Today’s Solutions: November 09, 2024

Successful gene-hacked pig kid

Successful gene-hacked pig kidney transplant shows promise in xenotransplantation 

A team at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston performed a breakthrough surgical accomplishment, transplanting a kidney from a gene-hacked pig into a 62-year-old man. Richard Slayman, a patient who suffered from kidney illness for almost a decade, emerged from the hospital with renewed optimism Read More...

Middle age sportswoman health care holding heart at the park

Discovery of immune protein points to new heart disease treatment

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and yet treatments remain remarkably limited. Aside from statins to lower cholesterol levels, most interventions are indirect, such as preventing diabetes and high blood pressure or improving diet and exercise. A new study led by Read More...

Keto Diet

Keto diets may help kidney disease

We recently wrote a piece on how keto diets can reduce colorectal cancer.  Ketosis is a metabolic state brought on by these diets and also fasting. Keto diets are characterized as being high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and high in fats. This has made it a popular tool for losing weight, and Read More...