Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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French protest reproductive rights

To make citizens safer, France extended its abortion limit

In a win for the reproductive rights of French people, the deadline for having an abortion has been extended from 12 to 14 weeks. This limit now aligns with those of Spain and Austria, and its purpose is to increase safety and freedom for the country's citizens. France has seen a nationwide Read More...

Colorado’s reform law shows

Colorado’s reform law shows promise for changing the culture of policing

Following waves of protests in 2020 against systemic racism and police brutality, the city of Denver established a highly successful policing alternative called STAR, where a team of unarmed social workers serves non-dangerous citizens in crisis. This program isn’t the state’s only strategy for Read More...

Young LGBTQ woman walks through crowd

Canada fast-tracks bill to ban conversion therapy

A bill that would ban the practice of conversion therapy in Canada has been unanimously adopted by the House of Commons, fast tracking it for approval by the Senate. Bill C-4 bans the practice of conversion therapy, which is a harmful attempt to change an individual’s sexual or gender Read More...

Sounds and smells in the Frenc

Sounds and smells in the French countryside are now protected by law

From the crowing of roosters to the distinctive barnyard whiff, France’s countryside sounds and smells are now officially protected by law. The European country has recently passed a bill that protects the “sensory heritage” of its rural areas. The move came following an increasing number of Read More...

Why climate change lawsuits co

Why climate change lawsuits could benefit from COVID-19 court battles

Courts have on occasion enabled massive changes in the societal structure before politicians were ready to, including school desegregation in Brown v. Board of Education and the more recent ruling on marriage equality. Moreover, judicial decisions have strength: Once the legal precedent is Read More...

Compost bin in the garden.

Throwing food waste in the trash is now illegal in Vermont

Vermont has long been praised as one of the greenest states in the US, and rightfully so. In 2019, the Green Mountain State passed into law the most comprehensive ban on single-use plastics in the US, setting a commendable standard for other states to follow. In 2020 a bid to further their Read More...

Microjustice: Helping those wh

Microjustice: Helping those who are excluded from the legal system

More than 4 billion people don’t have access to even the most basic legal protections. The microjustice movement is giving them a voice. Carmel Wroth | April 2009 issue When he was 63, Pascual Aquino Mamani fell almost 45 feet from the roof of a house he was building outside La Paz, Bolivia, and Read More...