Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Lightning season safety: impor

Lightning season safety: important tips for staying safe during thunderstorms

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL STAFF As the warm weather tempts people outside for barbecues, beach trips, and ballgames, it's important to remember that summer is also lightning season. Every year, lightning strikes the United States approximately 37 million times, taking an average of 21 Read More...

Lightning over sea, city

This non-profit aims to harness the power of weather events on land and sea

When it comes to hurricanes, wildfires, and other environmental hazards, early alerts are key to minimizing risk to people from these high-powered natural phenomena.  What if there were a system that both warned individuals of weather events like these and then converted their power into usable Read More...

Laser tech could help prevent

Laser tech could help prevent wildfires by controlling lightning strikes

While fascinating to the eye, dry lightning strikes are actually an ominous phenomenon, especially during wildfire seasons. In the past year alone, the blazes of several large bushfires in Australia and the western US are thought to have been sparked by lightning strikes. A team of international Read More...