Today’s Solutions: December 11, 2024
Home » Lions

Lion mom

Wild Motherhood: Meet some of the coolest mothers in the animal kingdom

Happy Mother’s Day 2022! They care for us, teach us, and shape our relationship with each other and with the world. For better or worse, each of us owes a lot of who we are to our moms! And as much as we all love to celebrate motherhood on this holiday, there is one mother that is ever-present Read More...

Lions affection

The chemical compound of love: oxytocin turns lions into kittens

Love’s effect can sometimes be mystifying. A tender embrace from a friend or the adoring eyes of a pet can bring us back from anger or sadness at almost any time. Affection soothes the beast inside all of us, and it can even be tracked scientifically. What we feel when we experience love is Read More...

Why painting eyes on the butto

Why painting eyes on the buttocks of cows can save them from predators

Being a cattle-owning farmer in Botswana is no easy feat. To keep their animals safe from hungry predators like lions, ranchers in the region often have to use costly fencing to separate the cattle from the carnivores, and sometimes the farmers may even kill the predators. But a new study shows Read More...