Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Book Dash strives to make book

Book Dash strives to make books more accessible to South African kids

In a world full of screens, parents may wonder how they can cultivate a healthy love of reading in their children. The answer is to make sure that there are plenty of books at home for your kids to flip through. According to a 20-year study from the University of Nevada, Reno, the level of Read More...

2019 was the best year so far

2019 was the best year so far for humanity

If you’re feeling low about the state of the world, consider this: In the long arc of human history, 2019 has been the best year ever. As Nicholas Kristof from The New York Times highlights, since modern humans emerged about 200,000 years ago, 2019 was probably the year in which children were Read More...

Bill Gates shares the formula

Bill Gates shares the formula to ensure total literacy across the world

As one of its sustainable development goals, the UN is shooting for total literacy among young people, as well as a large portion of adults, by 2030. The problem is that even with rapid technological advancements around the world, the learning environment and the quality of education are Read More...

How the laundromat can help sh

How the laundromat can help shrink the literacy gap in America

The average US family spends more than two hours a week at their neighborhood laundromat, and many bring their kids with them. That’s downtime that experts say could be put to better use, which is why 600 laundromats across the US are installing family-friendly literacy spaces for kids under Read More...

A South Korea school is enroll

A South Korea school is enrolling illiterate grandmas to save it from closing

South Korea’s birthrate has been plummeting in recent decades, falling to less than one child per woman last year, one of the lowest in the world. The hardest hit areas are rural counties, where babies have become an increasingly rare sight as young couples migrate en masse to big cities for Read More...

Xavier Helgesen and Kreece Fuc

Xavier Helgesen and Kreece Fuchs: Promoting literacy through Better World Books

Book enthusiast and actor, Levar Burton, nominates the founders of Better Word Books, a company with a mission to support global literacy. Levar Burton | Jan/Feb 2010 issue Xavier Helgesen and Kreece Fuchs. Co-founders, Better World Books. Goshen, Indiana. Photo: Andy Warzon I was lucky. I Read More...