Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
Home » Mars

The collection of stamps released by the UN to celebrate the international achievements of Mars missions.

Check out these postage stamps celebrating Mars missions

More countries are operating spacecrafts on and around Mars than ever before! These important missions are revealing interesting secrets about our solar system, climate, and possibly the origins of life. To celebrate this momentous human achievement, the United Nations have honored the Red Read More...

Landscape on Mars. Scenic desert scene on the red planet in a 3D space illustration.

The strange sounds of Mars have been recorded for the first time

If you’ve ever wondered what Mars sounds like, then NASA’s Perseverance rover has answers for you! The robot landed on the Red Planet in early 2021 where it has been conducting experiments and collecting samples for scientists here on Earth to analyze. We’ve previously reported on its Read More...

The Red Planet

Refueling on Mars: making biofuel from astronaut wastewater

As space exploration develops further, scientists and engineers are innovating more outlandish ways for humans to survive beyond our planet. What was once magic becomes science as experts think outside the box and brilliantly repurpose resources in closed environments, such as growing lettuce in Read More...

Perseverance rover on Mars.

Mars News: Perseverance finds organic molecules

NASA’s Perseverance rover has been wandering around Mars since it reached the planet on February 18th, 2021. Here at The Optimist Daily, we have tried to keep our readers up to date with the latest exciting mission information collected by this mighty machine. From its landing, first rock sample Read More...

Megaripples of sand in desert.

The ancient mathematical law hidden in sand ripples

Mathematics and nature Nature has always served as a source of inspiration to understand mathematics. From the symmetry of snowflakes to the growth of fractal patterning tree roots, and logarithmic spirals in shells and spider webs. We can learn so much from mother Earth. The latest discovery Read More...

The red giant Mars.

Who made it to Mars in 2021?

The red giant Mars has fascinated humans for many years, due to its intriguing habitable climate, the possibility for ancient life, and interesting findings of water and methane. The planet only aligns with Earth well enough for interplanetary launch once every 26 months. Therefore, space agencies Read More...

Mars Perseverance Rover

Perseverance rover uncovers something “completely unexpected”

The Perseverance rover landed on Mars at the start of 2021. That December, researchers announced that the craft has discovered something “completely unexpected” on the red planet. At the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, mission scientists announced that rocks which were previously Read More...

Perseverance rover successfull

Perseverance rover successfully collects rock samples on Mars

Seven months after NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on Mars, the space agency has announced that their rock-scooping robot has officially managed to collect some samples from the red planet. Although the bulk of the study of these samples will be done when the rover returns to earth, this Read More...

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter makes history with its first flight on Mars

In an incredible space exploration feat, NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter successfully completed its first flight on Mars this week. The historic event took place on Monday, 3:34 a.m. ET, and marked the first powered, controlled flight on another planet. The small hopper, weighing no more than four Read More...

NASA uses Navajo language to n

NASA uses Navajo language to name rocks and soil on Mars

After successfully landing on the neighboring planet last month, NASA’s Perseverance rover is now ready to explore its ground. Its first scientific focus is a rock named “Máaz” — the Navajo word for “Mars.” That’s just one nickname among many others that have been given to landmarks Read More...