Have you ever watched a flock of birds fly, turn, and dive in what seems like perfect unison? You might look at this and assume that a lead bird is determining the directions of the flock, or that they are collectively responding to small changes in the wind. All of those are good guesses, but Read More...
Mathematics and nature Nature has always served as a source of inspiration to understand mathematics. From the symmetry of snowflakes to the growth of fractal patterning tree roots, and logarithmic spirals in shells and spider webs. We can learn so much from mother Earth. The latest discovery Read More...
Strange metal behavior was first noticed around 30 years ago. These materials are composed of copper-oxides and carry the properties of being high-temperature superconductors. This means they can transfer electricity very efficiently, withstanding much higher temperatures with less energy loss than Read More...
An Australian mathematician has recently discovered that the markings on an ancient fragment of clay tablet dating back to 3,700 years ago — during the Old Babylonian period — are the oldest known example of applied geometry. The tablet, known as Si.427, dates back to more than 1,000 years Read More...