Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Expanding democracy: Michigan

Expanding democracy: Michigan opens new doors for formerly incarcerated voters

Malijah Gee's path from incarceration at the age of 17 to imminent freedom reflects the longing for a voice that has been suppressed for 36 years. A historic opportunity awaits him and many others: the chance to vote, possibly for the first time. He said, "I came here as a youth, so I was Read More...

Michigan school district to in

Michigan school district to introduce universal preschool this fall

Universal preschool makes education more equitable and improves overall student performance, but the US has been slower than other countries to offer preschool for all. Fortunately, one school district in Michigan is taking matters into its own hands and introducing universal preschool this Read More...

Reintroduction of wolves reduc

Reintroduction of wolves reduces vehicle deer collisions in Michigan

Anyone who has gone on a road trip is familiar with the sight of roadkill on the side of the highway, but in some areas, this problem is more pronounced than others. For example, deer were being killed regularly along the roads in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, but that all changed when the state Read More...

High levels of vitamin D in fi

High levels of vitamin D in first year may protect children from obesity

A new study out of the University of Michigan School of Public Health suggests higher levels of vitamin D in the first year of life can help protect children against obesity in adolescence. The study, which was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, used data from more than 300 Read More...

Michigan is compensating essen

Michigan is compensating essential workers with free college education

Essential workers have put their health and safety on the line to keep critical services running during the pandemic. Michigan is recognizing the commitment and sacrifices of their state’s 625,000 essential workers by offering them free education at any community college in the state.  The Read More...

New prosthetic gives amputees

New prosthetic gives amputees real-time mind control of robotic hand

Machine learning algorithms and new techniques in biomedical engineering are leading to the creation of robotic hands that amputees can use to regain the functions of a real hand. Recently, researchers at the University of Michigan tapped faint, latent signals from arm nerves and amplified them Read More...

Researchers in Michigan are us

Researchers in Michigan are using lasers to better detect concussions

The process of detecting a concussion feels more like a field sobriety check rather than a proper medical exam. What day is it? Where are you? Who is the president? Can you count backward from 100 by sevens? These are the type of questions that are supposed to determine whether you have a Read More...