For individuals who have experienced the loss of a mother, Mother's Day can be a trying time. Many people take this day to honor their mothers and let them know how much they care about and respect them. Mother's Day is a wonderful celebration of moms everywhere, but for those who have lost their Read More...
Everyone needs a helping hand every now and then. We’ve all been able to live and prosper because we live and cooperate as a community, and this means giving and getting help when necessary. We go farther together. In New York City, where the cost of living is expensive, new and expecting Read More...
Janet Ekura is an education facilitator at a “catch-up” center in the village of Atan in Isiolo County, Kenya. The catch-up centers are part of an Education for Life initiative designed to empower underprivileged children, and especially girls, in the region. Underaged girls are often Read More...
Being a mom is a full-time job, so working moms know that striking the perfect balance between their professional lives and their children is close to impossible. This is especially true for female athletes who are constantly pushing themselves physically and mentally and still must fulfill the Read More...
Weeks after Canadian basketball star and nursing mother Kim Gaucher vocalized concern regarding the policy banning all family members from attending the Olympics in Tokyo this summer, the Olympic committee has adjusted their regulations to allow nursing children to also attend the Read More...