Today’s Solutions: February 18, 2025

Solar-powered SmartFarm harnes

Solar-powered SmartFarm harnesses water from the air to irrigate plants

Wouldn’t it be great if we could harness the water vapor in the air to irrigate plants in areas with little precipitation? Well, that may happen sooner than you think thanks to a team of scientists from the National University of Singapore who have developed an experimental device that turns Read More...

Scientists use aerogel to gene

Scientists use aerogel to generate clean drinking water out of thin air

With 700 million people worldwide suffering from water insecurity, it would surely be great if we were able to pull clean water out of thin air. Well, thanks to a team of scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS), we could soon do that in a simple and efficient way. The new Read More...

How wearable devices could one

How wearable devices could one day be powered by sweat

What if our clothes could better absorb our sweat and use it for more than just cooling down our bodies?  At the National University of Singapore (NUS), researchers have developed a high-tech film that can absorb and store moisture from sweat much more efficiently than conventional materials that Read More...