Today’s Solutions: December 12, 2024

Why we need to eliminate natur

Why we need to eliminate natural gas from cities now

After a massive gas explosion destroyed homes in Baltimore, the city announced plans to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make repairs on the city’s aging natural gas infrastructure. But perhaps making repairs is the wrong plan entirely. Instead, the city could use this as an opportunity Read More...

Renewable hydrogen is getting

Renewable hydrogen is getting set to oust natural gas

An economy powered by hydrogen may seem like a distant dream, but the US Department of Energy is pouring millions of dollars into research and development to make it happen soon. The latest developments have all been about leveraging wind and solar energy to bring the cost of renewable hydrogen Read More...

Berkeley becomes the first cit

Berkeley becomes the first city in America to ban natural gas in new buildings

For decades, natural gas was considered among the preferred energy sources for buildings and embraced as a bridge from dirtier fossil fuels to a green energy future. Now it seems that the transition period is coming to a close after the city of Berkeley passed a landmark ordinance that will ban Read More...

How activists in this Californ

How activists in this Californian city stopped a gas plant from being built

When NRG Energy, one of the largest electric power producers in the country, won a contract to build a new gas plant on the beach in Oxnard, California, in 2014, nearly everyone assumed it was a done deal. The region’s electric utility, Southern California Edison, needed a new source of power to Read More...

Carbon emissions from US power

Carbon emissions from US power grid the lowest in 20 years

The commitment by the Obama Administration to cut total CO2 emissions by 28% below 2005 levels by 2025 is within reach. Already this year, emissions from the energy sector are expected to be 15.4% below that threshold. Up to 37% of the cut in power-sector emissions since 2007 is attributed to Read More...

State of the Union Paints Posi

State of the Union Paints Positive Picture for US

President Obama started off his State of the Union address last Tuesday by highlighting some of top milestone accomplished during his tenure: the smallest number of unemployed citizens in 5 years, childhood obesity rates lowest in 30 years, and the US replacing China as the #1 place to visit. Read More...