Today’s Solutions: February 17, 2025
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Following Jacob Blake strikes,

Following Jacob Blake strikes, NBA to turn its arenas into polling stations

After committing to donate $300 million to support racial justice earlier this month, the NBA distinguished itself yet again as one of the most progressive sports leagues with a three-day athlete strike in response to the shooting of Jacob Blake. The league has agreed to recommence games this week Read More...

More pro sports teams are offe

More pro sports teams are offering up their empty arenas for voting

Back in July, we wrote a story about how the NBA’s Atlanta Hawks was converting its empty arena into a temporary polling station in order to attract local voters. Following Atlanta’s footsteps, another eight major pro sports teams have signed on to a plan to make their home venues available as Read More...

New NBA Foundation will donate

New NBA Foundation will donate $300 million to support racial justice

The NBA has a reputation as one of the most progressive sports leagues. Now, the NBA is taking another big step to support social justice with its newly established NBA Foundation which will donate $300 million over the next decade to boost economic growth in the Black community.  The new Read More...

This NBA team will turn its ar

This NBA team will turn its arena into a polling station to attract voters

Citizens in cities across America have lamented the lack of polling stations in predominately African American precincts, and Atlanta is no different. The June 9 primary elections were beset by logistical problems, with many Georgians enduring waits of several hours to vote. In an effort to help Read More...