Today’s Solutions: December 13, 2024


The shape of flowers reduces parasites transmitted to bumblebees

Bumblebees are furry and critical pollinators that are sadly vulnerable to many things such as heat and predators. Another thing that affects their populations that we can keep an eye out for in our gardens is parasites.  Recent research from North Carolina State University showed that the Read More...

Older Drive

This simple driving questionnaire could make older adults safer

Sometimes, one of the biggest impediments to driver safety is an assessment of one’s own ability. North Carolina State University has tested its proof-of-concept of a simple questionnaire that predicts which drivers are most at risk of having an accident.  “We developed the tool called the Read More...

Pile of ripe potatoes on ground in field.

Banana paper saves potatoes by blocking worm communication

The potato cyst nematode is a pathogenic worm and something of a global menace. When these little critters come across potato farms they infest the crops, drastically reducing yield and size. Some areas of Africa see a 60 percent decline in potato yield after infestation, negatively affecting Read More...

Mussel-mounted motion sensors

Mussel-mounted motion sensors can help detect toxins in our water

Mussels are fascinating creatures that who's powerful role in our ecosystems is often overlooked. We’ve written previously about how mussels inspired highly effective surgical glue as well as how they can accurately gauge levels of pollution and identify contaminants in underwater Read More...

Research shows workday microbr

Research shows workday microbreaks improve focus and productivity

Are you someone who would rather take small breaks throughout the day than one long lunch break? It turns out that science supports your approach. New research suggests that people who prefer these “microbreaks” are equally productive and these mini rests could even help you stay more engaged Read More...

Time outdoors boosted teens’

Time outdoors boosted teens’ mental health during the pandemic

New research from North Carolina State University has been published, adding to the mountain of evidence that time spent outdoors is beneficial for both physical and mental health, especially during stressful situations like a global pandemic.  To look at the impact time outdoors had on Read More...