Today’s Solutions: October 13, 2024

Charlotte, NC launches peer-ru

Charlotte, NC launches peer-run alternative to psychiatric hospitalization

Following successful alternative policing programs in Denver and Newark, Charlotte, North Carolina is adopting their own resource for those in a mental health crisis. The new Retreat @ the Plaza, run by Promise Resource Network,  is a peer-run alternative to psychiatric hospitalization for those Read More...

The Center for Women helps inc

The Center for Women helps incarcerated women transition to life after release

The transition period after being released from prison, especially after a long sentence, can be a shock to the system. So much so that many previously incarcerated individuals backslide into offending again, either because they lack the support system that can help them regain a normal life, or Read More...

North Carolina is turning old

North Carolina is turning old industrial buildings into new community spaces

As many industries shift to meet modern market demands, regions that used to be bustling centers for coal, oil, steel, and other raw materials are now falling into economic despair. Many experts have cited new renewable energy jobs as a solution to this problem, but in some North Carolina towns, Read More...

Endangered red wolves give bir

Endangered red wolves give birth to 12 healthy pups at North Carolina Zoo

Red wolves are one of the most critically endangered animals in the world with their population numbering less than 20 in the wild — all in eastern North Carolina. That’s why it's great news that as many as three litters of American red wolves were recently born at the North Carolina Zoo. The Read More...

This car dealership serves as

This car dealership serves as a safe parking lot for the homeless at night

During the day, the Kiplin Automotive Group in Charlotte, North Carolina looks like any other car dealership, but at night, it transforms into a safe parking lot for homeless individuals living in their cars.  This Optimist Daily story was shared with us by one of our Optimist readers and is Read More...

These semi-transparent solar c

These semi-transparent solar cells could make greenhouse self-sufficient

Greenhouses and solar panels both need to be placed in areas with a lot of sunlight – so why not combine the two? Semi-transparent solar cells could potentially be built into the glass roof panels of greenhouses, capturing light at wavelengths that plants don’t use anyway. Now, researchers at Read More...

Wildlife rescue group uses cla

Wildlife rescue group uses clasps from old bras to treat injured turtles

If you think that bras have no other purpose than supporting women’s bodies, think again. A wildlife rescue organization in North Carolina last month put out a very unusual request on Facebook calling for people to donate their old or ill-fitting bras to help save turtles with cracked shells. Read More...

This utility company has found

This utility company has found the best way to help people save energy and money

In rural North Carolina, energy bills eat up a massive chunk of a household’s monthly budget—not because the energy rates are especially high, but because the home themselves aren’t built efficiently. Drafty windows, leaky ducts and poor insulation are common, and that means that much of the Read More...