Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Common weight loss drug may b

Common weight loss drug may be the solution we've been waiting for in cardiovascular health

A revolutionary study presented at the European Congress of Obesity (ECO) reveals that semaglutide, which is found in popular weight loss drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic, has the potential to transform cardiovascular health. According to the study, participants who took semaglutide had a 20 percent Read More...

A group of antibiotic pill capsules fallling. Healthcare and medical 3D illustration background.

An "exercise pill" could be in our reach

Exercise is necessary for maintaining physical and mental health, and improving our quality and length of life. But for people who find it difficult to exercise due to age, medical conditions, and time, these benefits cannot be reaped. But what if we could get some of the advantages of exercise, Read More...

Happy family having fun time at home

7 men’s health issues that their support systems should understand

Male bodies are at risk for their own distinct health issues such as erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer, and they also experience health issues differently than female bodies. We’ve written before about the fact that men are less likely than women to address or investigate a perceived Read More...

a person's feet on a scale

Non-surgical implant uses lasers to suppress hunger and treat obesity

While there is a common misconception that those who struggle with obesity are simply careless with their diets or aren’t working out enough, the truth is that there are a number of complex factors that contribute to weight issues. Sometimes, certain operations or devices can help people lose Read More...

Woman exercising on a sports mat at home drinking water with a towel round their neck.

7 ways to help your body detoxify, and we’re not talking detox diets

Your body has a sophisticated way of eliminating toxins that involve the liver, kidney, digestive system, skin, and lungs. Still, only when these organs are healthy, can they effectively eliminate unwanted substances. The thing is, there’s a common misconception that detox diets can boost your Read More...

Brain made out of fruits and vegetables isolated on white background.

How to make mindful eating part of your life

The average American spends two-and-a-half hours a day eating, and while eating we’re usually doing something else too. Because we're working, driving, reading, watching television, or fiddling with an electronic device, we're not fully aware of what we're eating. This mindless eating—a lack of Read More...

father and son look at phone while grocery shopping

NHS app helps UK families curb the record rise in childhood obesity

Since the beginning of the pandemic, surveys show that parents in the UK have been allowing their children to snack on more unhealthy food, which likely contributes to the record rise in obesity among 10- to 11-year-olds across the nation. Other factors include lockdowns, school closures, and Read More...

Kulusuk village, east Greenland.

For Greenlanders, eating sugar is significantly healthier

Sugar is vital for humans to survive as fuels us with energy, that’s why mother nature made the sweet treat so delicious! Although, for some members of the human race sugar has been found to supply significantly more health benefits than most. "Adult Greenlanders with the genetic variation Read More...

A person in a grey t-shirt measures their belly fat with a yellow measuring tape.

CRISPR-Cas9 may be able to solve obesity

Cases of obesity have been steadily increasing worldwide, especially during the pandemic. Lack of physical activity through more office-based jobs, plus a lack of access to fresh healthy food means more and more people are experiencing obesity. Having too much fat on your body can be extremely Read More...

view of a burger, fries, and other junk foods from above

Spain fights child obesity by outlawing unhealthy food ads directed at kids

In an effort to combat child obesity, Spain banned the advertising of unhealthy junk foods and beverages last month. “Our children are very vulnerable to advertising, and it is our obligation to protect them,” consumer affairs Minister Alberto Garzon published on Twitter. According to the Read More...