Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

New York City to create a spec

New York City to create a special agency focused on managing climate change

With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal spearheading the most dramatic shift in American climate politics in decades, New York City is preparing to vote on a bill that would create an agency with the sole focus of managing climate change. The legislation proposes the creation of a new Read More...

The Green New Deal sounds grea

The Green New Deal sounds great, but what is it actually?

While the Green New Deal resolution has been floating around in the media for the past week or two, the actual details of the deal have been obscure at best. Now a leaked copy has emerged online, and the contents reveal a plan that could thread the needle between a number of serious problems, from Read More...

How to deal with the fear of s

How to deal with the fear of speaking in public

Speaking in public is one thing, but imagine having to address Congress at the House of Representatives. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who recently became the youngest person in US history elected to Congress, admits it’s a nerve-wracking thing to do—not that you would notice it on Read More...

How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez i

How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is using social media to change politics

29-year-old congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not your average politician. Not only has the young politician shown amazing charisma in the face of hostility, but she’s a first-class example of how to use social media to bring more honesty and intimacy into politics. Have a peek here to Read More...