Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Palestinian kids have fun on a beach on Gaza Strip during a hot weather

Gaza beachgoers enjoy crystal clear waters for the first time in years

People in the Gaza Strip who wanted to take a refreshing dip while visiting the city’s beaches would be hard-pressed to actually get into the water. Beachgoers who did brave the waves would sometimes end up getting ill due to the untreated sewage that was flowing straight into the waters off Gaza Read More...

someone picks up littered cigarette butts on the beach

This recycling program in Catalonia aims to rid streets and beaches of cigarette butts 

The Catalan government has launched a clever plan to rid their streets and beaches of cigarette butts. As an added plus, the plan has provided a small source of income for the homeless. According to the environmental organization Ocean Conservancy, cigarette butts are the most plentiful type of Read More...

This yacht will fuel itself wi

This yacht will fuel itself with the trash it sucks up from our oceans

Professional yacht racer Yves Bourgnon was irritated at the sight of floating plastic trash in seawater and decided to turn that anger into the inspiration he needed to create the concept for the Manta, a water-cleaning sailboat that is powered by the litter it picks up. The Manta will be an Read More...

Ocean Optimism: Seeing Opportu

Ocean Optimism: Seeing Opportunities in the Challenges

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Imagine you’re an idealistic teenager, snorkeling in a warm salty sea, seeing the ocean floor for the first time.  Sure, you see the colorful parrotfish and rainbow wrasse, the swaying anemones and bony urchins, but nowadays you also see floating baggies, a Read More...