Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Where you live affects health,

Where you live affects health, wealth and earning potential - podcast reports

A couple of weeks ago we shared a story about the cognitive benefits of listening to podcasts. This was thrilling to us since several on the Optimist Daily team are dedicated podheads.  One story we listened to this week jumped out as something that we had to share - a Planet Money episode that Read More...

With a little help from our fr

With a little help from our friends...

Wondering if you can make a difference? Read on. Turk Pipkin | September 2010 issue With bad news all around, it’s hard to be optimistic about the world our kids will know. The problems are too big, we tell ourselves. What can I do? I’ve been asked that question again and again since my wife Read More...

Yes and people"'Yes,

Yes and people"'Yes,and' people invent the airplane;'yes,but' people invent the parachute"

According to bestselling author Berthold Gunster, saying "yes, and" rather than "yes, but" is the key to creativity and innovation. HetkanWel | July/August 2010   “Picture this: You have a good idea and the only thing you hear are ‘yes, but’s. ‘Yes, but that didn’t work before Read More...

Thorkil Sonne: Autism entrepre

Thorkil Sonne: Autism entrepreneur

President of the Party of European Socialists and former prime minister of Denmark, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen nominates Thorkil Sonne for his work in helping those with autism thrive in the workplace. | Jan/Feb 2010 issue Thorkil Sonne. Founder, Specialisterne. Copenhagen, Read More...