Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Hands cupping soil with worms

How this initiative is helping us worm our way into a greener future

A Nottingham-based initiative called the Urban Worm Community Interest Company (UWC) is helping spur on an urban worm farming movement in the UK that will help the nation deal with waste while simultaneously providing high-grade fertilizer. So far, the enterprise has been granted 50,000 GBP from Read More...

California opens its first sol

California opens its first solar-powered composting facility

Starting in 2022, most homes and businesses in California will be required to recycle all food and yard waste in their yard debris carts. The effort is part of new state regulation (SB 1383) which aims to divert 75 percent of organic waste from landfills below 2014 levels by 2025. In response to Read More...

Scientists use food waste to c

Scientists use food waste to create eco-friendly liquid fertilizer

While it’s well known that compost made from food scraps helps plants grow, scientists have now figured out how to create a liquid fertilizer out of fermented food waste, which can boost beneficial bacteria within plants making them more resistant to pathogens and reducing carbon emissions from Read More...

This process converts discarde

This process converts discarded soybean shells into healthy sugar

With such a rich nutritional profile, it’s no wonder that the soybean is a popular staple food in many parts of the world. The problem, however, is that the husks these beans naturally come in are typically discarded during processing, leaving a significant amount of waste behind. In fact, in the Read More...

Company in Spain turns sewage

Company in Spain turns sewage into zero-carbon fuel

A Spanish company, Ingelia, has managed to develop biochar from organic waste, such as sewage and compost, that could potentially become a sustainable alternative to standard coal used in energy production. Despite having the same potential energy production as standard coal, this newfound fuel has Read More...