Though Hollywood’s Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, are often critiqued for their lack of representation, there has been progress in the most recent edition. This past weekend, we saw a beautiful example of inclusion during the 94th Academy Awards, as Troy Kotsur became the first deaf Read More...
Chloé Zhao made history this awards season as the first woman of color to win an Oscar for directing. The Nomadland director was also the first woman to get four Oscar nominations in a single year, in 'best film editing,' 'best-adapted screenplay,' 'best director,' and 'best picture' Read More...
The Academy has infamously struggled to make the Oscars representative of achievement in film from diverse actors, producers, and directors, but this year, the event did achieve some new milestones for their long 92-year history. First and foremost, Parasite became the first non-English language Read More...