Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
Home » Owls

Barn owl in descending with its claws towards the ground to hunt

Owls are helping winemakers stay away from pesticides

Winemaking is a delicate and millennia-old craft. To achieve a desirable product, vintners have to pay close attention to soil, rain, heat, and sunlight. Mice and gophers are other problems that vintners often turn to rodenticides to solve. In a bid to provide a more natural solution, a team of Read More...

Burrowing owl next to its burrow looking into the camera lens

Fake poop helps tiny endangered owls find new homes

Following decades of human encroachment into California’s grasslands, the once common Western Burrowing Owl is now considered endangered. In an effort to protect the tiny birds from new building developments in US regions like Silicon Valley, local conservationists have been trying for years to Read More...