Today’s Solutions: February 18, 2025

King Penguins have a stronghold on Macquarie Island, between Australia and Antarctica.

Australia draws up plans for marine reserve the size of Germany

The Australian government intends to designate a marine reserve in the Southern Ocean the size of Germany, bolstering protections for millions of penguins and seals near Macquarie Island. Tanya Plibersek, the environment minister, stated that the government intends to increase the extent of the Read More...

Lion mom

Wild Motherhood: Meet some of the coolest mothers in the animal kingdom

Happy Mother’s Day 2022! They care for us, teach us, and shape our relationship with each other and with the world. For better or worse, each of us owes a lot of who we are to our moms! And as much as we all love to celebrate motherhood on this holiday, there is one mother that is ever-present Read More...

Ocean-exploring autonomous rob

Ocean-exploring autonomous robot is inspired by penguins

Though humans have marveled and studied the ocean for thousands of years, much of it remains a mystery to us. One of those mysteries is ocean eddies, small ocean currents that impact the planet’s climate and therefore all life on earth. What we do know is that ocean eddies are responsible for Read More...

Rare yellow penguin is mystify

Rare yellow penguin is mystifying biologists

In December 2019, Belgian wildlife photographer Yves Adams had an exceptional stroke of luck while on a remote island in South Georgia. Adams was leading a two-month photography expedition through the South Atlantic and had decided to stop on a South Georgia beach. It was then that he caught Read More...

Supermarket chain adopts pengu

Supermarket chain adopts penguins to help UK zoo recover after pandemic

Zoos around the world have been hit particularly hard by lockdown measures, and Chester Zoo in the UK has been no exception. Last week, the zoo announced it was facing an uncertain future as a result of the coronavirus, and pleaded with the public to help with donations. Fortunately, the zoo was Read More...