Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

A guide to the three kinds of

A guide to the three kinds of movement your body needs every week

Making physical activity a priority has never been more important for our health in this fast-paced society when sitting all day is the standard. While walking has traditionally been regarded as a basic and accessible form of exercise, there is much more to achieving peak health than simply Read More...

Image of happy young man walking on the street and looking aside while talking by his phone.

What is NEAT and why is it more effective for weight loss than exercise?

"Non-exercise activity thermogenesis," also known as NEAT, is a fancy term for the energy you expend during the day whenever you’re not sleeping, eating, or doing purposeful exercise (like sports or gym workouts). You engage in NEAT by just walking about the house or office, hurrying to catch a Read More...

two elderly people hiking

4 habits to form for a long life according to a Blue Zone expert

Longevity in life is something we hope for, but without forming healthy habits now, our chances of living well into our triple digits are unlikely. Longevity expert and National Geographic fellow Dan Buettner studied the day-to-day lives of those who live in Blue Zones (regions in the world where Read More...

Young Asian woman stretching in front of a lake

Sore muscles? Here’s how to help them recover faster

Do you ever wonder why muscles like calves or quadriceps remain sore for days after a workout while biceps bounce back quickly? Many factors influence muscle recovery including size, function, and attachments. Understanding what causes soreness can help you get your muscles back to tip-top shape Read More...

Close-up of person's legs in mid-air while rope-skipping

90 minutes or less of exercise is enough to reduce risk of depression

We’ve written many times about how exercise can help reduce the risk of depression. Now scientists have finally found out just how much exercise is enough to improve your mental health. Combining research findings from 15 studies, scientists from the University of Cambridge concluded that just Read More...

Three women smiling while running on a bridge

Just 10 minutes of jogging is enough to improve your mental health

As little as 10 minutes of moderate jogging is enough to boost mood and brain activity. These are the findings of the latest study exploring the relationship between physical activity and mental health. Previous studies have primarily focused on cycling and its effects on our executive function. Read More...

diverse group exercise

This kind of exercise is most effective for alleviating anxiety

A study led by scientists at the University of Gothenburg has revealed further information about the connection between physical activity and mental health, in particular, relief from anxiety. The link between exercise and reduced risk of depression has already been established thanks to past Read More...

Immunity: These 10 tips will h

Immunity: These 10 tips will help you boost your metabolic health

Metabolic health is crucial for building immunity and staving off chronic diseases, but unfortunately, 88 percent of Americans are what is called metabolically unhealthy. You can be fit and lean, and still, be metabolically unhealthy. That’s because metabolic dysfunction has to do with abnormal Read More...