Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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A bumblebee on a summer flower

Study reveals bumblebees play with toys for fun, too

According to a new study, bumblebees don't just work hard—they like to play too. Scientists observed that the little insects enjoy rolling small wooden balls for no apparent reason other than for pleasure. "As humans, we might believe that we are the smartest and perhaps the only creatures Read More...

This is why young children lov

This is why young children love dinosaurs so much

Whether it’s playing with toys, sticking their elbows in their tee shirts to imitate a t-rex, or digging for fossils in the backyard, many children love dinosaurs. For most children, this interest fades over time, but Dr. Arthur Lavin, chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics committee on the Read More...

Play is powerful: How to make

Play is powerful: How to make the most children’s free play time

Back in November, we shared how children are using play to understand and process the pandemic. Enacting events through play is how children come to terms with change, which means that parents and caregivers can use this to their advantage in helping children process new situations. Focusing on Read More...

This playwright rewrites Black

This playwright rewrites Black voices and perspectives into popular culture

Marcia Johnson, a Jamaica-born actor, and playwright, was disappointed when she watched an episode of The Crown where not even one line of dialogue was given to a Black character—even though it was set in Kenya. As an outlet for her frustration about the erasure of African voices and Read More...

LEGO launches Botanical Collec

LEGO launches Botanical Collection complete with plant-based building blocks

Many people have fond memories of playing with building blocks as children, but now that most people are confined to their houses, games, and toys like LEGO and coloring books are making a comeback. LEGO presents kids and adults alike with an opportunity to turn to their imagination and creative Read More...

Anthill Creations builds playg

Anthill Creations builds playgrounds in India's slums out of local waste

Play is a crucial aspect of a child’s education and development. Unfortunately, in India, far too many children live in slums or in crowded urban spaces that are not child-friendly, let alone safe for children to play in. Since 2015, architecture student Pooja Rai has been working to change Read More...

3 Easy-to-implement ways to su

3 Easy-to-implement ways to support your kids’ immune systems

As a parent, there are a few simple changes you can make to your child’s daily regimen that can do wonders in boosting their immune resilience. At a time where immunity has never seemed so important, here are three immunity-boosting lifestyle interventions you can make that board-certified Read More...

Making funny faces in Gaza

Making funny faces in Gaza

Imagine you’re 10 years old and live in the occupied territories of Palestine. There are no playgrounds in the neighborhood and the danger of violence is very real, and often experienced daily. That’s not a good place to play, be a kid, or make funny faces. That’s the reason Right to Play and Read More...