Today’s Solutions: October 06, 2024

Novoloop founders

Female-led start-up Novoloop figures out how to upcycle plastic waste

A new, female-led US-based start-up, Novoloop, has an exciting announcement— they’ve come up with an effective solution to problematic polyethylene (aka the regular everyday plastic that’s polluting our planet). Scientists and Novoloop founders Jeanny Yao and Miranda Wang have been working Read More...

These eco-friendly drink coole

These eco-friendly drink coolers are made using recycled tree pulp

Cheap drink coolers get the job done if you just want to keep a couple of drinks cold, but most of the times they end up in landfills, where they can take hundreds of years to break down. Now, thanks to cooler company Igloo, we are one step closer to ditching harmful polystyrene coolers. The Read More...