Most drivers have had the unpleasant experience of witnessing an insect or two splat against your windshield while you’re driving down the highway. Well, as unpleasant as it may be for those of us behind the wheel, it is undoubtedly more unpleasant for the bug. Dutch design studio VenhoevenCS, Read More...
Human innovation has driven our civilizations forward, but oftentimes at the detriment of other species. For instance, conventional lights and street lamps allow people to work and navigate at night, but they can confuse nocturnal life and attract pollinators, killing them in the process. Tobias Read More...
Last week, the Netherlands held a bee-counting event in which more than 11,000 volunteers from across the country participated. The volunteers spent 30 minutes recording the various types of bees visiting their gardens with the help of a list of the most common bees present in the country during Read More...