Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Familial Forestry teaches vill

Familial Forestry teaches villagers in India that trees are a part of the family

Shyam Sunder Jyani is a professor of sociology in India, but his passion project for the last 15 years has been tree planting. He was inspired by the sparse tree coverage at the campus he worked at back in 2003. With help from his class, he was able to replace the dying trees around the college Read More...

India adopts new holistic appr

India adopts new holistic approach to address homelessness

Governments often address the problem of homelessness with band-aid solutions like placing the unsheltered in shelters, only to have them back on the streets after a short while. However, a newly developed project in Rajasthan, India, is striving to change these temporary fixes with a more holistic Read More...