Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

A guide to reducing holiday pa

A guide to reducing holiday packaging waste

Despite the joy of giving gifts over the holidays, the excessive amount of packaging trash is a growing problem, particularly considering the recycling catastrophe in the United States. Before China banned the import of plastic waste back in 2018, it had taken 70 percent of the United States' Read More...

engineer stands in front of wall of plastic pollution

These 5 new California laws combat plastic waste

The problem of plastic is in many ways a pandemic in and of itself, and the entire world is suffering from it. Most consumers believe that recycling is an effective way to combat the plastic problem, however, in practice the system simply doesn’t work, and in fact, only encourages people to Read More...

France bids “adieu” to pla

France bids “adieu” to plastic packaging for fresh produce

Plastic pollution is strangling our planet. To combat the use of unnecessary plastics, France has announced that it will be banning plastic packaging for fruits and vegetables. Currently, an estimated 37 percent of fruit and vegetables are sold with plastic packaging in France, so the ban will Read More...

Tesco and Loop begin easy and

Tesco and Loop begin easy and convenient refillable shopping scheme

Taking on greener shopping practices is essential in the fight against climate change, however, it can be hard to break old habits and remember to grab refillable containers on our way out to the shops. Well, Tesco’s new zero-waste shopping scheme, developed in partnership with the Loop, removes Read More...

Scientists develop a disintegr

Scientists develop a disintegrating natural plastic

The plastic problem that we face today is a serious issue that is inspiring many scientists and researchers to find alternatives or modify the plastic manufacturing process so that the material can safely and quickly degrade. Researchers in China have done just that by creating a new kind of Read More...

6 Thrifty ways to reuse the si

6 Thrifty ways to reuse the single-use plastic left in your life

It’s no secret that plastic pollution is a gargantuan problem, and to address that, many have started to invest in reusable products to replace single-use plastic. However, as much as we try to avoid it, the reality is that at some point, we may still have to deal with it. Plus, those who are Read More...