Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

From fairways to green sanctua

From fairways to green sanctuaries: the effort to rewild abandoned golf courses

Golf courses, previously expansive leisure and precision settings, are undergoing a stunning metamorphosis. The once-dominant verdant fairways and manicured greens are now giving way to vibrant ecosystems. Abandoned golf courses are being reclaimed by nature, breathing new life into spaces that Read More...

loach swims

Researchers spot Turkish fish for the first time since 1974

Ichthyologists recently came across a surprising discovery in two streams in southeast Turkey. The team was scouring the river when it came across a Batman River loach, a critically endangered fish last spotted in 1974. The hunt for the fish was part of the Search for Lost Fishes project from Read More...

birdwatcher's hand flips through bird book sat next to binoculars

Conservationists call on birdwatching community to help find lost bird species

Calling all birdwatchers! Conservationists and scientists are requesting the help of the world’s birdwatchers to help them find 10 species of birds that seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. The initiative was launched last week as a collaborative effort between Re:wild, Read More...

Rewilding: A Key Solution for

Rewilding: A Key Solution for Biodiversity

Wild wolves used to roam freely across most of the United States, but when these wolves were hunted to extinction in areas like Montana and Wyoming, ecosystems quickly fell out of balance. Without natural predators, elk populations soared, eating away at trees and grasses, eliminating building Read More...

Are you inside, behind your co

Are you inside, behind your computer? Go outside!

‘Every day I make time to go outside and truly enjoy nature. Because of that I have much less stress and have gotten to know my inner child.’  -Participant Rewild your Life You can’t expect people to be mindful of the planet and nature if they don’t have a connection to it, says Canadians Read More...