Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Young driver fatality rates in

Young driver fatality rates in the US are falling, thanks to education and technology

The newest Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) report contains excellent news for young drivers in the United States. There has been a dramatic decline in crash and mortality rates among drivers under the age of 21 during the last two decades. While they remain the most dangerous group on Read More...

This new metric assesses road

This new metric assesses road safety before any accidents ever happen

The way urban planners currently assess the safety of a road involves counting the number of accidents on that particular road. Essentially, this means that there’s a "literal human cost" to measuring how safe a street is, says Megan Ryerson, a transportation engineer and urban planner at the Read More...

This cycling jacket has an air

This cycling jacket has an airbag that inflates in case of an accident

While bike helmets are great at protecting your head from injuries, the other parts of your body are still exposed in the event of an impact. Enter the Cirrus airbag jacket, which auto-inflates in the case of an accident to protect the torso. Designed by Paris-based startup Urban Circus, the Read More...

Reintroduction of wolves reduc

Reintroduction of wolves reduces vehicle deer collisions in Michigan

Anyone who has gone on a road trip is familiar with the sight of roadkill on the side of the highway, but in some areas, this problem is more pronounced than others. For example, deer were being killed regularly along the roads in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, but that all changed when the state Read More...

This is how electric vehicles

This is how electric vehicles can make our roads safer

From minimizing your environmental footprint to saving money on maintenance and repair costs, owning an electric car clearly has its benefits. Now, we would like to make the case for EVs stronger by helping you understand how they could also make our roads safer. According to the World Health Read More...

Smart street radar system coul

Smart street radar system could soon help save lives on the road

While many cars today are equipped with radars that can detect pedestrians on the road, surrounding buildings or other cars in the area can block these systems and make them ineffective. In an effort to help overcome this challenge, a team of engineers is working on a radar that can be mounted on Read More...

These mini villages teach kids

These mini villages teach kids the rules of the road

While a bike ride on city streets can be a blast for kids, for parents it can be a worrying affair watching their kids maneuver around cars and through traffic lights. Of course, the best way for kids to learn the rules of the road is through the first-hand experience, but if kids can get that Read More...

Why a busy street in London ma

Why a busy street in London made their crosswalk into an optical illusion

On a busy street near a school in London, a newly painted crosswalk is designed to slow down drivers through an optical illusion: As someone approaches, each white stripe on the road looks like a three-dimensional block. The idea is that by catching the eye, the optical illusion will force drivers Read More...