In today's digital world, the pull of screens can be difficult to overcome, particularly for kids. However, the dangers of spending too much time indoors are serious. Carlene Fider, Ph.D., a core faculty member at Pacific Oaks College, emphasizes the importance of outdoor exploration for children's Read More...
We hear it again and again: Avoid devices before bedtime to sleep properly. Research and sleep specialists say late-night scrolling and streaming stimulate your brain, delaying sleep and preventing quality rest. Electronic light disrupts your body clock and sleep. The recommendation is Read More...
The time we spend on our phones can run easily from an easygoing couple of minutes to a dissociative hour of doom-scrolling where we finally look around and say, “How did I kill a whole hour?” These “dissociative states” are common. We get into them when we’re so focused on a task or Read More...
If you’re the parent of a teen, you probably have more than enough on your hands without worrying about how much sleep your child gets. The issue is that regular sleep deprivation can affect teens even more than it affects adults. Sleep deprivation can increase chances of health issues like Read More...
The pandemic might appear to be ending, but that doesn’t mean we’ll be saying goodbye to a lot of the mainstays of pandemic life. One of the lasting changes will be remote work, with many companies choosing to make remote work arrangements permanent or to start functioning on a hybrid work plan Read More...
We already know that too much screen time can affect everything from sleep quality to creativity, but a study from the University of Glasgow explains that the effects might be more far-reaching than we once thought. Less screen time leads to better health The study followed almost 500,000 Read More...