Today’s Solutions: February 12, 2025

Filming a movie on sand dunes

Campaign urges Hollywood to trade plastic for sustainable alternatives

Like the "Lights, Camera, Plastic?" campaign we wrote about recently, the Flip the Script on Plastics campaign wants Hollywood to join the fight against plastic pollution by urging popular television shows, movies, and media to stop showcasing single-use plastics and trade them in for more Read More...

This paper is partly made from

This paper is partly made from grass to reduce its environmental footprint

Following an increasing number of people turning away from single-use plastic packaging, the market for paper packaging has seen a boom in recent years. More demand for paper, however, means more logging, some of which still happens in old-growth forests, which are major absorbers of CO2 and Read More...

Plastic crisis: India will ban

Plastic crisis: India will ban single-use plastic items by 2022

With growing awareness about the huge environmental threat of single-use plastics, countries around the world, like Chile and New Zealand, have ramped up their efforts against plastic pollution by strategically banning disposable plastics. Now India is committing to a plastic-free future as well. Read More...

This book made of recycled pla

This book made of recycled plastic features letters to future generations

At this point, we can all agree that our take-make-use-dispose model of consumption has been nothing but harmful for the planet and that it’s about time we part ways with one of the biggest contributors to this problem — single-use plastics. A creative agency in Vietnam, called Ki Saigon, Read More...

6 Thrifty ways to reuse the si

6 Thrifty ways to reuse the single-use plastic left in your life

It’s no secret that plastic pollution is a gargantuan problem, and to address that, many have started to invest in reusable products to replace single-use plastic. However, as much as we try to avoid it, the reality is that at some point, we may still have to deal with it. Plus, those who are Read More...

MIT scientists recycle plastic

MIT scientists recycle plastic bags to develop a new sustainable fabric

Plastic grocery bags are one of the most pernicious types of plastic waste. Now, scientists say they have developed a technique that could recycle plastic bags into the fabrics of the future. MIT researchers have come up with a method that can transform polyethylene into lightweight fabrics that Read More...

This edible packaging cuts pla

This edible packaging cuts plastic waste out of takeout food

Concerned about the plastic footprint of your takeaway meals? Worry not, soon you’ll be able to eat the containers your food comes in! At least that’s the vision of design studio Forest and Whale which created Reuse — a container designed for takeaway packaging that can be eaten or composted Read More...

New York bans the use of mini

New York bans the use of mini plastic toiletry bottles in hotels

It’s no secret that single-use plastic is one of the chief contributors to the pollution crisis. Around eight to ten million tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year, and in recent years, our newsfeeds have been flooded with images that clearly illustrate the suffering all that plastic Read More...

Germany will say goodbye to si

Germany will say goodbye to single-use plastic as early as 2021

No more single-use plastic straws, cotton buds and food containers for Germany. Starting next summer, the European country will end the sale of plastics including disposable cutlery, plates, stirring sticks and balloon holders, as well as polystyrene cups and boxes. The ban will mean the country Read More...

Amazon India ditches all singl

Amazon India ditches all single-use plastic in packaging to curb waste

Amazon has often been criticized – and rightfully so – for using too much plastic and thermocol to wrap its billions of package shipments, all leading to massive amounts of plastic waste ending up in landfills and leaking into the environment. But a recent move by the company’s Indian unit Read More...