Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

young Asian woman asleep on a bus

Sleepy Hong Kong citizens can hop on this napping bus tour to dreamland

In 2020, the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Center for Communication and Public Opinion Survey made it very clear that stress-induced sleep deprivation was a widespread problem. Almost seven out of 10 respondents disclosed that they were experiencing insomnia, and of those, 60 percent of them Read More...

Is it possible to make up for

Is it possible to make up for lost sleep on the weekend?

When you go through a night or several nights of little to no sleep, a common tactic is to use the weekend to catch up on all those lost zzz’s. The question is: Does this strategy actually work? According to Fiona Barwick, director of the Cognitive Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at Stanford Read More...

Sleep deprived? These tips wil

Sleep deprived? These tips will help you catch up on those missing zzz's

Think of your body as a bank, and each night you're depositing a set amount of money into it. If you miss your "payment" one night, you'll owe more money the next night to make up for it. Sleep deprivation accumulates in this way.  "For someone well-rested, missing one hour of sleep on one night Read More...