Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

female hands typing text message via cellphone

How to “unghost” a past friend, according to friendship experts

In a perfect world, no one would ever end a personal relationship by abruptly stopping all communication with no explanation—In other words, “ghosting.” However, sometimes life gets in the way, and we ghost.  What is unghosting? Psychologist, professor, speaker, and author Marisa G. Read More...

woman on a jog breathing deeply

3 free longevity hacks for a longer life

There are a lot of habits that we can incorporate into our day-to-day lives that will help us extend our time on this earth. However, there are three that stand out, not just because they’re effective and simple, but they’re also cost-free.  Hydration We talk about hydration a lot here at Read More...

two young male friends chat with each other on a dock

Rusty social skills? 5 ways to reconnect with socialization

Now that there are more opportunities to go out and socialize, you may be experiencing some mixed emotions regarding social events. You may have thought to yourself as soon as these restrictions are over, I’m going to be a regular party animal. This could be especially true for those who've been Read More...

The case for kindness: How and

The case for kindness: How and why we should be more kind at work

For over a year now, many of our “workplaces” have turned into a handful of scheduled online interactions. We often lose out on the small moments of appreciation, like a simple “thank you so much!” while bumping into a colleague in the lunchroom who has helped you with a project, or Read More...

Strategies for stimulating you

Strategies for stimulating your social needs while social distancing

Humans are wired “to come together physically”, which makes this whole social distancing thing a bit of a tricky issue. Since social distancing recommendations could remain in place for months to come, NPR has come up with a few effective strategies for connecting with others while maintaining Read More...

Amsterdam, Netherlands: Dereli

Amsterdam, Netherlands: Derelict church becomes vibrant community hub

Stichting Bildung aims to build bridges within society—from excluded groups to wealthy ones, from low to higher educated— in a space filled with culture, altruism, and social connection. The project is being designed and implemented by a small group of people from different countries and Read More...