Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

The rise of renewable energy:

The rise of renewable energy: a tipping point in global electricity sources 

Renewable energy surpassed 30 percent of the global electricity supply for the first time, marking a milestone in the planet's energy shift. This spike in clean electricity, mostly from wind and solar power, represents a watershed point in the move to sustainable energy options. The ongoing Read More...

Could California’s solar can

Could California’s solar canal project be an answer for climate resilience?

In a state beleaguered by drought, high temperatures, and growing wildfire dangers, the idea of placing solar panels over irrigation canals to address both water loss and climate pollution is finally getting traction. Solar AquaGrid creators Jordan Harris and Robin Raj envisioned a game-changing Read More...

The dawn of space-based solar

The dawn of space-based solar energy: a sustainable solution to our energy needs

Space-based solar power is a visionary solution to our energy demands in a world where the need for renewable energy is growing. The idea of beaming solar energy from space to Earth may have appeared science fiction at one point, but it is now on the cusp of becoming a reality. Scientists and Read More...

A massive solar farm rises fro

A massive solar farm rises from a former landfill in the United Kingdom

The Ockendon solar farm, the third largest of its kind in the UK, is harnessing the power of the sun on what was once a bleak trash site in Essex in a revolutionary feat of eco-reinvention. The waste management company Veolia infused new life into this unexpected environment, where more than Read More...

UK achieves record numbers of

UK achieves record numbers of heat pump and solar panel installations in the first half of 2023

The United Kingdom pressed ahead with its renewable energy objectives, recording an astonishing spike in solar panel and heat pump installations during the first half of 2023 in a resounding display of environmental dedication. This tremendous achievement not only demonstrates the country's Read More...

Puerto Rico’s revolution

Puerto Rico's revolutionary community-led solar microgrid

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017, the Puerto Rican municipality of Adjuntas was plunged into darkness, with no power for weeks. Despite the enormous hurdles, one business, Lucy’s Pizza, stood as a beacon of hope in the midst of the mayhem. The restaurant was powered by a noisy and Read More...

Solar-(em)powered: These stree

Solar-(em)powered: These streetlights illuminate a path towards climate resilience

The necessity for climate-resilient infrastructure is increasingly evident to prepare for the future. Solar-powered streetlights are one such innovation with enormous promise. These lights provide a stable and independent source of illumination by harnessing the sun's energy, even during power Read More...

Solar power plant and Windmills aerial view. Renewable energy. Green tech.

Report says 2022 may mark the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era 

Breaking news! Based on a recent report by the independent climate and energy think tank Ember, global emissions from the power sector, which generates the most planet-warming carbon dioxide, may have peaked last year. This could potentially mark the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel Read More...

Dirty Dusty Solar Panels with Text Clean Me Please

This ultra-thin coating can make solar panels self-cleaning

Solar panels cannot perform successfully if they are caked in filth, yet cleaning them on a regular basis can be time-consuming. Luckily, engineers in Germany are on the case and have created an ultra-thin coating that can self-clean solar panels and other surfaces. Solar is the most important Read More...

Solar power Plant in small village in India

Welcome to Modhera, India’s first village entirely powered by solar

Modhera in Gujarat became India's first solar-powered village, setting a precedent for what UN Secretary-General António Guterres called a "reconciliation between humanity and the planet," according to Euronews. UN News reports that the solar project provides residents of Modhera with an Read More...