Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

California opens its first sol

California opens its first solar-powered composting facility

Starting in 2022, most homes and businesses in California will be required to recycle all food and yard waste in their yard debris carts. The effort is part of new state regulation (SB 1383) which aims to divert 75 percent of organic waste from landfills below 2014 levels by 2025. In response to Read More...

Solar-powered hot air balloon

Solar-powered hot air balloon sets 32 world records

In 2019, Leticia Noemi Marqués of Argentina flew the Aerocene Pacha, a hot air ballon that ran entirely without fuel. It is now considered the most sustainable flight in human history, and one of the most important experiments in the history of aviation. Rather than being powered by batteries or Read More...

How tiny solar-powered cameras

How tiny solar-powered cameras solved a snail survival mystery

When the invasive carnivorous rosy wolf snail was introduced to Tahiti decades ago, it all but decimated many other populations of native snails. One species that managed to survive is the Partula hyalina snail, but researchers weren’t sure what made that species different. To unlock the Read More...

Pufferfish-inspired water puri

Pufferfish-inspired water purifier aims to tackle water scarcity

According to the World Wildlife Fund, some 1.1 billion people around the world do not have access to safe drinking water. To address this issue, scientists from the University of Princeton have developed an affordable solar panel water purifier that’s inspired by the pufferfish’s ability to Read More...

A design firm transformed old

A design firm transformed old scrap yard into row of sustainable homes

Redeveloping a former scrapyard into a site for sustainable, solar-powered houses may sound like a difficult challenge, but that’s exactly what a London-based architecture firm managed to pull off. Unit One Architects has turned an unused lot in northern London into a row of dwellings, Read More...

This startup lets villagers cr

This startup lets villagers create mini power grids for their neighbors

In a remote village Bangladeshi village called Shikarpur, until recently, few people had electricity. But a new system is beginning to connect the village’s handful of solar-powered homes with neighbors who can’t afford to own panels Read More...