Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Menopause experiences

Menopause experiences

Laarni San Juan, 42 Registered nurse, San Francisco, CA “After delivering my first and only child at age 34, I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. I haven’t had a period since, so even though I’m relatively young, you could say I’m in the latter stages of menopause. I’ve Read More...

Still on the journey

Still on the journey

It’s time for an article about menopause that does justice to the situation for women with partners and children. Lisette Thooft | March/April 2012 Issue She woke up one morning and her libido was gone, Hanny Roskamp writes in her uplifting account of menopause. To her surprise, she discovered Read More...

The meaning of menopause

The meaning of menopause

Sometimes a positive experience hits you from left field. The socially and culturally defined pressure to stay young, fertile and vibrant as long as we can is enormous, but what does it do to us?   Hanny Roskamp | March/April 2012 Issue I’m 48 now. A year and half ago, I could still say I Read More...