Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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Australians can now trade extr

Australians can now trade extra solar power for cold beer

In what they believe to be the world’s first, Asahi Group’s Carlton and United Breweries, an Australian beer maker, is now offering Victorian Bitter to households with rooftop solar energy to spare.  The brewery has already installed solar panels on its Melbourne brewery and is purchasing Read More...

Trade of wild African elephant

Trade of wild African elephants will be banned under new international agreement

It will no longer be legal for wild baby elephants to be snatched from their families and exported to zoos around the world. The landmark conservation decision is the result of a new international agreement ratified by members of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Read More...

Canada officially bans shark f

Canada officially bans shark fin trade in a major win for our oceans

The growing trade in shark fins – often used to make an expensive Asian soup — has become a serious threat to many shark species. The latest research suggests that around 100 million sharks may be killed annually, often targeted for their fins. In a landmark move, Canada – the largest Read More...

My country, boom or bust

My country, boom or bust

Why economic nationalism is unpatriotic. Carolyn Steel | June/July 2009 issue As the world economy plunges into recession, globalization is going into reverse. A virtuous circle of rising trade and booming economic growth has turned into a vicious spiral of plunging demand and collapsing trade. Read More...