Finnish company Valkee knows a thing or two about seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Its latest device, called the Human Charger, aims to improve jet lag by sending UV-free, blue-enriched white light through earbuds to keep the user in sync with the cycle of the sun. Light as preventive Read More...
Yemen conjures up images of violence, mayhem and heartbreaking poverty. Photographer Stephanie Sinclair has paid several visits there in the past few years, immersing herself in the culture. She says of the people she’s met that their generosity, gentleness and thirst for peace were their most Read More...
“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind,” Roman philosopher Seneca famously wrote. Two thousand years later, scientists are able to prove him right. A recent study published in the Academy of Management Journal establishes a direct correlation between travel and creativity. Read More...