Novel gene therapy has been developed as a treatment option for glaucoma sufferers thanks to a collaboration between Exhaura Limited and Trinity College Dublin. About 80 million individuals throughout the world suffer from glaucoma, an eye illness that can cause permanent blindness if left Read More...
People with asthma will often suffer, at varying degrees, from symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheeziness, and bouts of coughing that stem from overactivation of the immune system when exposed to allergens like dust, smoke, and pollution. Many of us may actually remember having asthma as a Read More...
Synchronized behavior can be seen all over the place. From fireflies flashing in unison, to birds flying in their V structure, to menstrual synchronization in women. In fact, human synchronization can be observed in many social behavioral circumstances, such as; walking in time, having the same Read More...
After a heart attack has occurred, some of the beating cardiac tissue ends up being replaced with non-beating scar tissue – this permanently compromises the function of the heart. A new patch, however, is designed to help. Bioengineers from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, have developed a Read More...