Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

City of Austin votes to spend

City of Austin votes to spend $7 billion to revolutionize transportation

In a city where roughly three-quarters of residents drive alone to work, it’s no surprise that drivers in Austin, Texas, spend an average of 104 hours stuck in traffic each year. One of the main reasons behind this vehicle-mania is the city’s innate car-oriented infrastructure. That’s now Read More...

The sad truth about those “e

The sad truth about those “eco-friendly” e-scooters you see everywhere

If you live in a big city, chances are you’ve seen scores of electric scooters take over the sidewalks. Rideshare companies promote them as a greener alternative to cars that residents can use to get around—a claim that is rather easy to assume as true. After all, these e-scooters don’t spew Read More...