Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

London WWII bomb shelter finds

London WWII bomb shelter finds new purpose as an indoor vertical farm

Far below the streets of central London lies a former World War Two bomb shelter that has been repurposed into a hi-tech underground vertical farm. It supplies grocery stores, restaurants, and farmer’s markets in the capital with fresh, pesticide-free microgreens. Called Growing Underground, the Read More...

Vertical farms can grow fresh

Vertical farms can grow fresh veggies using 90% less water

Out of the fraction of habitable land that exists in our world about 50 percent of it is used for farming. Not only is this stretch of land massive, but agriculture also uses 70 percent of our freshwater supply. Considering how resource intensive classic agriculture is to our society, one might ask Read More...

Now that’s local food: These

Now that’s local food: These Washington grocery stores now feature vertical farms

Late last month, a German startup named Infarm installed modular vertical farms in two Kroger-owned grocery stores in the Seattle area. Apparently, this is just the start of a wave of mini-farms that will be incorporated within supermarkets across Oregon and Washington. In these mini-farms, which Read More...