Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
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Uber delivers emergency food and supplies in Ukraine

Some aid trucks that provide food and emergency services in Ukraine have trouble reaching those in need because urban structural damage blocks the way. Ongoing violence also makes it difficult.  To address this, the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP) is working with the tech firm Uber to get Read More...

Kyiv city

How city infrastructure is aiding Ukrainians in resisting Russia

A recent article in Bloomberg CityLab by Shlomo Angel, professor of city planning and former Captain of the Israeli Defense Forces, elaborates on how Ukraine could endure the war now that the fight has been brought to its cities. He emphasizes the incredible difficulty an invading army faces when Read More...

Majoring in peace

Majoring in peace

For years, unrest has raged in the Karamoja region of Uganda, on the Kenyan border. Livestock theft is a frequent cause. The emerging arms trade is causing an uptick in violence. Efforts by the Ugandan army to rid the area of weapons are proving counterproductive: Soldiers’ use of violent tactics Read More...

Best. Year. Ever.

Best. Year. Ever.

They can tell you anything about 2013. That it was a miserable year because of the ongoing crisis, the NSA leaks or the violence in Syria and Egypt. More than 10 million people in the Philippines were victimized by a typhoon. Of course, they’re right: 2013 was horrible. But don’t forget all the Read More...

Activism for beginners

Activism for beginners

How three friends rescued hundreds of Uganda's child soldiers. Marco Visscher | July/August 2010 issue Lauren Grace had never read a piece of Congressional legislation. “It’s pretty dry reading,” she says. But one January night this year, the 25-year-old University of Oklahoma student Read More...

Interview with Kjerstin Ericks

Interview with Kjerstin Erickson, founder of FORGE

While economic upheaval has caused many businesses to fail, Ode has interviewed several entrepreneurs who have found ways to thrive and remain focused on positive social change. We interviewed them about their companies, how they view the current economic situation, how they define success, and how Read More...

Robi Damelin: Circle of parent

Robi Damelin: Circle of parents, circle of peace

Ode reader and conflict resolution expert Craig Zelizer nominated Robi Damelin for her work at advocating peace in Israel and comforting parents who have lost children to war. Craig Zelizer | Jan/Feb 2009 issue Robi Damelin, founder of The Parents Circle. Tel Aviv, Israel Photo: The Forgiveness Read More...