Today’s Solutions: February 09, 2025

Brick building with rectangular dark wooden shuttered windows

This discarded 1990s window design could help fight climate change

According to the United States Department of Energy, buildings use about 76 percent of electricity in the US and are responsible for about 40 percent of all direct and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the country. This means that reducing energy consumption from buildings is an Read More...

Smart windows change colors wh

Smart windows change colors when its hot outside to cool your home

Figuring out ways to slash our over-reliance on air conditioners can go a long way in reducing the energy costs and emissions that usually go hand in hand with using these cooling machines. One way to do this is to tap into the key role that windows play when it comes to saving energy. Recently, Read More...

The windows of the future coul

The windows of the future could feature transparent wood instead of glass

Wood may sound like the wrong choice of material to replace the glass in your windows, but a team of researchers just proved the contrary. A group of scientists at the USDA, together with several other institutions, has developed “transparent wood,” a glass-like material made almost entirely Read More...

These water-filled windows can

These water-filled windows can cool and heat buildings more sustainably

Given the thermal shortcomings of glass, windows can significantly undermine the sustainability of a building. Most conventional windows allow heat to escape during cold weather, increasing heating costs, while, during hot weather, they allow sunlight to stream in, thus driving up the use of Read More...

NYC just passed a new law to p

NYC just passed a new law to protect migrating birds from crashing into windows

Sitting on the Atlantic Flyway, New York City is a well-known hotspot for avian biodiversity. Each year during the spring and fall migration seasons, New Yorkers can spot over a hundred species passing through the city. But as the cityscape is dominated by high-rise buildings with transparent Read More...

‘Smart’ windows could sign

‘Smart’ windows could significantly reduce our reliance on air conditioners

Air conditioners consume a great amount of electricity, making them both a financial and an environmental burden. The good thing is scientists are increasingly coming up with innovative ways to slash down our over-reliance on these cooling machines. For instance, just this week we wrote about a Read More...