Today’s Solutions: February 18, 2025

7 dazzling winter solstice cel

7 dazzling winter solstice celebrations from around the world

The Winter Solstice is a global celebration rooted in rich traditions and historical significance, not just an astronomical event. As the Northern Hemisphere experiences its longest night on December 21 (or June 20 in the Southern Hemisphere), many cultures celebrate the return of the sun with Read More...

Jupiter and Saturn will appear

Jupiter and Saturn will appear to collide this winter solstice

During this year's winter solstice on December 21st, two of our solar system’s largest planets will appear to collide for the first time since the Middle Ages. This event, featuring Jupiter and Saturn, will show the two planets at one super bright spot of light in our skies.  Although the Read More...

Everything you need to know ab

Everything you need to know about Saturday’s winter solstice

Saturday is the 21st of December, aka the winter solstice, aka the shortest day of 2019 for everyone living in the Northern Hemisphere. If pagan rituals are your thing, this is probably a big moment for you. If not, the official first day of winter is neat for other reasons, too. For instance, Read More...