Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Girl student freelancer working at home on a task, the ginger cat is sitting on the window.

How to avoid these 3 mistakes working at home

Here at The Optimist Daily we like to provide our readers with tips and tricks to make their lives a little easier. This time, we're giving you some valuable insight about working from home. Thanks to the pandemic, people worldwide have retreated from their offices and have taken up shop in Read More...

Working from home: Why you sho

Working from home: Why you should add a fake commute to your day

For all the annoyances you might associate with commuting to and from work, there are some upsides to the daily commute. Not only can the commute allow for some precious alone-time, but it also provides a clear distinction between your workday and your personal time at home, contributing to a Read More...

Avoid Zoom fatigue with this s

Avoid Zoom fatigue with this simple life hack

For many of us, the pandemic has forced Zoom calls to become a daily part of life. This has led to the rise of the term Zoom fatigue, the feeling of being drained of energy and focus after partaking in online video chats. It may seem impossible to avoid Zoom fatigue if you have to take online Read More...

Microsoft will allow its emplo

Microsoft will allow its employees to work from home permanently

As many office buildings have closed their doors because of the coronavirus pandemic, an increasing number of companies have come to the realization that their employees can work just as effectively from their homes. As a result, many firms are now considering giving their workers the choice to Read More...

How to make your working from

How to make your working from home routine more sustainable

While the timeline to return to the office for other industries and locations remains unclear, many people are slowly realizing that they’ll be working from home a lot longer than they had originally planned. If you are in this position, here are three tips to help you assess and tweak your Read More...

Twitter is encouraging its emp

Twitter is encouraging its employees to continue working from home

As companies around the world are encouraging their employees to work from home to prioritize the health and safety of their workforce and communities amid coronavirus, some businesses are considering making working from home a permanent option for their employees. Just this week, we shared a story Read More...

Strategies to make the most of

Strategies to make the most of working from home

Whether you work from home year-round or are transitioning as a social distancing measure, a home office presents its own set of challenges. Sure, you don’t have to worry about your morning commute, but you do have to navigate avoiding a kitchen full of snacks, pushing your cat off your keyboard, Read More...

Work from home 2019: the Top 1

Work from home 2019: the Top 100 companies for remote jobs

Thanks to technology like high-speed internet and mobile phones, working from home is increasingly easier. And as more companies offer flexible commuting policies, the remote job market is spreading beyond the traditional fields of computer technology or customer Read More...