Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Food waste-based biofuel could

Food waste-based biofuel could help airlines reduce their carbon footprint

Overhauling current air transportation and transitioning to electric motors is essential for shifting the industry towards zero-carbon, but this process will take time and we need a solution now that will make a significant dent in growing greenhouse gas emissions. Biofuels could be one immediate Read More...

Her0 Zero airplane concept off

Her0 Zero airplane concept offers a projection into the eco-future of aircrafts

Air travel accounts for 2.5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions so the pressure is huge on airline companies to come up with more sustainable aircraft in order to reduce the industry’s environmental impact. Enter the Her0 Zero, a futuristic airplane that could be key to achieving zero-carbon Read More...

This is what the zero-carbon f

This is what the zero-carbon future of cities will look like

In most cities, buildings are responsible for more than half of emissions. Especially considering that more people are living in cities than ever before, the need for more innovative buildings that use resources sparingly is of extreme importance if we want to solve the climate crisis. With this Read More...

Power couple

Power couple

Rebekah and Stephen Hren took a 75-year-old house and turned it into a model zero-carbon home. Here’s how. Diane Daniel | September 2008 issue Rebekah Hren stands over the small desk in the bedroom she and her husband Stephen share in Durham, North Carolina, and powers up their Mac mini. She Read More...