Today’s Solutions: October 11, 2024

Journaling is a powerful tool for processing our daily events, emotions, and goals. In addition to clarifying your personal life, journaling can be immensely beneficial for organizing your professional goals as well. Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci, Frida Kahlo, and Benjamin Franklin were all avid journal users? 

Michal Korzonek is the cofounder of Journal Smarter and encourages his clients to use journaling in business to set goals, achieve realistic deadlines, and boost creativity. He starts by having clients answer one (not so) simple question: What is the one habit that I can start doing tomorrow that would be the most effective first step toward my goal?

Journals can be used for a wide variety of productivity and reflection techniques. Creating to-do lists, drawing flow charts, and tracking your achieved progress are just some of the infinite ways that written reflection can help you clarify and visualize your personal and professional desires. 

So what are you waiting for? Pick up a pen and some paper and ask yourself: what do I want to accomplish this week?

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