Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Last week, we wrote about “guaranteed income” and the support it’s getting from mayors across America, who formed a network called Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. That group was launched by Stockton, Calif. Mayor Michael Tubbs, who launched his own guaranteed income program in 2018.

But it’s not only mayors that are the support of the idea. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey recently donated $3 million to the network, which will provide eligible residents $500 in monthly “guaranteed income.” The money used to start the program will allow Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, and 14 other cities to help those who are struggling during the economic crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic.

Pittsburg Mayor Bill Peduto said that he wants to give the monthly payments to those who are currently struggling and who would be able to improve their lives with it. He is also looking to award the money to people of different backgrounds and demographics so that a study can be conducted to analyze how it works.

“This is one tool to close the wealth and income gap, level systemic race, and gender inequalities, and create economic security for families,” Dorsey tweeted about the program earlier this month.

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