Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Last week we shared a story about the UK’s plan to increase the number of zero-emission buses on its streets. Now Canada is following suit by unveiling a $2.75 billion investment to electrify its transit system over the next five years — with the aim to pave the way for a net-zero emissions future while promoting a green economic recovery from the pandemic.

In addition to expanding its fleet of zero-emissions and assisting the electrification of its public transportation, the investment will also support municipalities, transit authorities, and school boards. On top of that, the money will deliver on the government’s pledge to buy 5,000 zero-emission buses over the next five years.

The $2.75 billion is part of a larger public transit investment of $14.9 billion recently announced by the country’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The hope is that these kinds of investments in zero-emission transportation will boost employment opportunities in Canada’s growing EV manufacturing industry.

It’s also important to note that the country’s zero-emissions strategy is not limited solely to public transit. Last year, the Canadian government introduced grants to help its citizens make their homes more sustainable and energy-efficient. Hopefully, it won’t take long for the US to follow in the steps of its forward-thinking neighbors up North.

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